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[cobalt-users] Webalizer 2.01.10 stopped working

I have a RaQ4 and just finished moving sites from a RaQ3 using
CMU to my RaQ4 I then installed PHP Release 4.1.2-3  &
Webalizer Release 2.01.10-1

After a couple of days I noticed that Webalizer was not
updating the pages in the stats folder....

When I try and run ./etc/cron.daily/webalizer.pl
I am getting the following error!

[root /]# ./etc/cron.daily/webalizer.pl
Error: Unable to restore run data (99)
Error: Unable to restore run data (99)
Error: Unable to restore run data (99)
Error: Unable to restore run data (99)

Is their a file that I need to move from my RaQ3 or do I
need to delete some files to reset things???

Any help would be appreciated...


Sun Cobalt and other Linux administration by Zeffie
A Sun Cobalt and Linux Specialist Since 1999
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