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RE: [cobalt-users] How much $$$ to install mySQL on RAQ2?

At 09:46 PM 7/3/2000 +1000, you wrote:
>I've looked at the Cobalt knowledge base - downloaded the approprite PHP &
>Mysql files. Now I am about to follow the "To install an rpm, telnet in to
>your box, su to root, ftp the file to your cobalt machine, then execute the
>rpm -Uvh rpmfile" instruction
>question is - which directory should i put the files into on the raq3 before
>I do the rpm - is it important ? and do I need to worry about anything else
>after doing the above (apart from getting into mysqladmin etc to set up
>databases etc)
>Will I need to do configuration on the MySQL/Perl DBI mods - will they be
>installled as part of this ? and wil there be any additional config on the
>PHP side ?
>cheers - hope someone can help-

What I did was download them all to my win box, then I FTP'd them to a
directory I made in Admin's home dir.  Ex.

And then I removed them as soon as I was done.

Cody Watkins
Paradox Web Hosting