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Re: [cobalt-security] Bind Hack

> We got an e-mail today from our CoLo (UK2.net) that our RaQ3 had been
hacked. The port 15000
> would be open as a result of this hack. It further says that aprox. 20
files had been changed and
> we were urgently requested to apply an .pkg to repair those files.

What .pkg did they tell you to install that would unhack the system?


> Since I dare to fix things before they break, I tried to figure out and
find some traces of the exploit.
> I couldn't find a foreign thing in .bash_history. We don't have a
'/lib/security/.config like someone
> wrote. I tried: 'telnet xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx 15000' and got 'Unable to connect'
which tells me that port 15000
> is not open. Furthermore, everything is running smoothly: apache, ssh,
e-mail and
> '/usr/sbin/ndc status' prints out version bind-8.2.3
> Can someone please give some hints and save me from a heart attack ?
> How could I detect this hack ?
> Thanx
> Thomas
> --
> InternAd.de
> Internet Advertising
> Thomas Prosi
> tp@xxxxxxxxxxx
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Sun Cobalt and other Linux administration by Zeffie
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