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[cobalt-developers] (no subject)


Why is it that whenever I set up a cgi-bin directory and attempt to browse
to it I get a 403 error (Forbidden).    If I try to access any scripts
within this directory I either get the same 403 error message (if I bypass
cgiwrap by using AddHandler cgi-script .cgi in the .htaccess file) or a:

|CGIWrap Error: Execution of this script not permitted              |
|Execution of (root) is not permitted for the following reason:      |
|User not Privileged.

which seems like the cgiwrap version of the 403 error.

The cgi-bin and all within is chmoded to 755, I have set up the
ScriptAlias -- that doen not seem to be the problem.  If anyone has any
thoughts on the subject - any input will be much appreciated.